
How could I say 'no' when my friend LM (now LML) emailed in JAN of 2018 to see if B and I (and some other mutual MN friends) would be interested rocking out at the Rock the Garden music festival in JUNE?

LML is a pro at living her best life. She’s always got something fun and exciting in the works. I love her 'plan ahead' approach to scheduling in room for fun and experiences, and want to invite a little bit more of that spirit into my own way of moving through life. Yes, of course it’s important to live 'in the moment.’ I also hate feeling over-scheduled. However, sometimes I miss out on those moments by drifting by-and-by without committing to longer term plans.

Truth be told, music festivals (and anything with large, packed crowds) triggers some (a lot of) anxiety in my Introvert spirit. However,  we ended up having a blast, despite the swassy, sticky, humid high temps. A few alcoholic beverages in that evening, and I couldn't care less about my sweaty behind.

(In case it’s not obvious…I’m trying to catch up on cataloging my list achievements. This was from 2018. No summer concerts this year, obvi).